Season begins at Kessingland Primary school
We’re back – a brand new Extra Time season, this time featuring players from Kessingland Primary School and residents at nearby Manor Farm Care Home.
Only sadly, we couldn’t visit the care home, due to illness; the children sent a big HELLO and wishes for a speedy recovery for everyone.
After a quick romp through the Archive All-Stars, the children – all 31 of Year 5 class – set to, making their own footballing character.
Most of the sessions will be with a smaller group of children, all of whom have expressed a wish to take part in Extra Time.
Their reasons for wanting take part are many and varied – from loving art and wanting to meet people, to hoping to learn more about Lowestoft Town Football Club and loving football.
We’ll check in at the end of the season, to see how many of those goals have been scored.
‘Hello everyone at Manor Farm Care Home. We're sorry to hear that you're not well and hope you get better soon.’
‘It's fascinating watching the children using different types of pens and the effect that has.’