Support Suffolk Artlink
Helping people to be creative, make friends and live well.
Donate once
A donation today can make a real difference
Every penny makes a difference. For example, just £5 buys arts materials to bring distraction and laughter to children in hospital and hospices.
Donate nowDonate monthly
Become a Friend of Suffolk Artlink and give monthly
Regular giving provides us with a reliable source of income that we can direct to where it is most needed. Your monthly donations will allow us to plan ahead with confidence and help more people transform their lives through the arts.
Give £5 per month
Silver supporter
£5 buys arts materials to bring distraction and laughter to children in hospital and hospices.
Give £10 per month
Gold supporter
£10 a month pays for a professional artist to lead a half day creative workshop.
Give £25+ per month
Platinum supporter
Giving £25 a month enables us to plan and deliver work that changes people's lives profoundly. "I used to feel I didn’t have any real purpose but now I look forward to coming out, meeting the group, doing the art, and talking to people."
Fundraise for us
From hosting open gardens and holding prize draws to jumping out of planes and swimming in lakes, we’re always delighted to hear of your creative, brave and joyous fundraising ideas! Please get in touch if you’d like information and advice, or to let us know of your fundraising efforts for Suffolk Artlink.
Recently Susan’s fabulous plant sale raised £235 and Jane opened her garden over a bank holiday weekend and raised £610. This year we will raise £3,500 from fundraising events.
Sharing news of your fundraising
We can provide you with fundraising resources to help publicise your efforts and provide your supporters with information about our work. As well as supplying you with things like t-shirts, donations tins and buckets, posters, banners, flyers and stickers we can also give you advice on working with your local media, and help to share news of your fundraising through our own communications channels.
When you publicise your fundraising efforts, it really helps us if you include our logo.
Download a high quality version of our logo.
Collecting donations
You can select Suffolk Artlink as a charity to raise funds via Facebook and Just Giving.
More Help
If you would like to talk to someone about fundraising for Suffolk Artlink, please call Alistair on 01986 873955 extension 1
or email Alistair –
'The Clown Doctors made a huge difference to us, so I ran a half marathon in support of them'
Our donation stories
New business sponsor Clubb Creative.
Creative director Guy said “We’re thrilled to be able to support Suffolk Artlink. It’s a fantastic opportunity to encourage creativity while making a meaningful impact in our community. We’re already exploring ideas on ways our experienced team of creatives can collaborate with charity throughout 2025.”
Find out moreA Generous Donation from the Perspective Project
Suffolk Artlink would like to thank the Perspective Project and its founder, Mark Anscombe, for the generous donation of £5,000 towards the costs of our Brave Art programme for adults […]
Find out more