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SD Feather quills & green ink dancing

24 May

Having admired Mary’s copperplate handwriting, it was time for the children to experience writing with a pen and ink for themselves.

Caitlin brought in an assortment of feathers and showed the group how to sharpen the end to make a nib.

Each child personalised their pen and then it was time to try them out, by doodling to music.

The result was glorious—and clearly very satisfying for the children.

Glorious inky creations Trying out the new pens A personalised quill pen

“This made me feel like myself; crazy.” Pupil

Taking some green ink for a dance

Over at Beech House, the residents chatted about learning to write—and then created these beautiful card quills.

A bundle of doodled feathers

First, they doodled to music. Next, they coloured in parts of their ‘pen-dance’ drawing, after which they cut out large quill shapes and wrote messages on the back of them to send to the children at the Edgar Sewter.

“It was nice to do something different, I enjoyed writing as I used to write a lot.” Beech House resident

Paper quills made by the residents

‘Pick up your pen and write’, says Rita Dedman.

Pick up your pen and write

“I really enjoyed it and look forward to each week to see what exciting things we’re going to do.”
Beech House resident