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Early mornings and doily envelopes

We’ve got quite an exchange of information and artwork going between the children at Oulton Broad Primary and residents at Broadlands, including postcards, booklets and bunches of flowers.

The other week, the children sent booklets, in which they recorded memories of their first days at school. The residents responded with their own thoughts on getting up in the morning, both written and, in the case of Jane, illustrated. Jane wrote:

“Hello, my memory of the morning is having my hair done. Brush, comb it and plait it. The last was the bows of coloured ribbons on the end. When this was done, I was ready for school. I had a bowl of cereal and a cold drink – not milk, because I hated it. It seemed to leave a fur coat on my tongue. Ugh. I’m 83, and I hate milk.”

This week, the adults have prepared a host of questions for the children to answer when they visit Suffolk Archives next week.

Each question is wrapped in a unique doily envelope – I can’t wait to see the children’s faces when they open them tomorrow and find out what they’ll be investigating.