Football pitches and roaring crowds
It is an absolute joy to work with the Manor Farm residents and get to know a little bit about them.
This week, it was all hands on deck as we folded cardboard boxes and added detail to our Extra Time football pitches, after which we created rows of ‘fans’ to cheer on their team.
A team name is a powerful thing. Last week, the Kessingland children had a long discussion about what theirs should be and, after much debate and compromise, decided that henceforth they would be known as the Wild Kessingland All-Stars – a wonderful combination of their love of animals, location and general brilliance.
This week, they warmed up with a game of ‘pen football’, played to popular football songs, after which they selected their favourite part of the pitch, cut it out and stuck it on a postcard to send to individual residents at Manor Farm.
Then they, too, created pitches and row of football fans in readiness for their forthcoming match against the residents, due to take place in a couple of weeks.
But first, let’s put together their poem with Dean from last week, their football pitches and fans – and just list to the crowd roar…
‘One of the residents just said that knowing you were coming back next week gave her something to look forward to - that's such a lovely thing to hear and so good for her to feel that way.’
‘Dave, I can't wait to meet you as I love art and I've heard you love art too.’
‘To Olive, I can't wait to meet you and show you my drawings.’