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Greetings from Lowestoft Bunting Activity Guide

Festoon your fence, garland your gate and generally join in the First Light Festival fun with some homemade bunting – all with the help of our Bunting Activity Guide.

As part of our Greetings from Lowestoft, we’re inviting Lowestoft residents to be part of the Festival parade by decorating their homes and gardens with bunting.

The Festival colours are blue and green and we’re hoping people will use recycled materials. Old T-shirts, pillow cases – any scraps of material can be used for the simple methods illustrated in our Guide.

If you don’t have any suitable material, there are pick up points for fabric and a printed version of the Guide at:

  • Sally Ann’s: 203 London Road South
  • Kirkley Centre Community Room: 154 London Road South
  • Kirkley Pantry: St Peter’s Road
  • Lowestoft Library: Clapham Road South
  • Re-utilise: 209 Whapload Road

You can also collect a printed Guide from Fab Fabrics at 166 London Road South.

Visit our Take Part DIY page to see the Guides and get busy with the bunting.