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Brave Art

Our weekly arts training course for adults with learning disabilities.


An arts training course for adults with learning disabilities, Brave Art offers students the chance to enjoy exploring a variety of art forms whilst developing creative and life skills.

Through artist-led sessions, cultural trips and public celebrations of their work, students learn new skills and gain confidence, friendships and wellbeing.

Courses take place one day per week, in Bury St Edmunds, Lowestoft and Ipswich and include advice and guidance on how to progress on to volunteering, work experience and further training.

Our artists specialise in working in the community and lending their skills to enable participants to explore and express on their own thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

Our sessions are managed and supported by our brilliant programme leads, Charlie Meyer and Fran Speight. Charlie and Fran have led the programme for 12 years and are experienced empowering learning disabled adults and creating a safe environment for participants to excel and flourish. Session are supported by artists Shelly O’Brien, Johanne Don-Daniel and Eleanor Rodwell.


‘I’m very proud of what I’ve done today, I’ve learned new skills, I’ve got better.’

Brave Art Utopia Celebration

What inspired this project?

Brave Art is inspired by the need to increase wellbeing for people with learning disabilities, to help them to develop creative and life skills and to increase their connections within their communities.

“I found it really, really exciting and it’s been so, so creative and fun.” Andreas, Brave Art Student

Project contact

Charlie Meyer, Project Development Officer (she/her)

Fran Speight, Project Development Officer (she/her)

Suffolk Artlink
Units 13 & 14
Malt Store Annex
The Cut, 8 New Cut
IP19 8BY

Telephone: 0784 2531 111


Project partners, funders and supporters

Brave Art is made possible thanks to generous funding and support from the Scarfe Charitable Trust, STOBBS IP LTD BCA, Leading Lives Community Benefit Fund, and funding from the Birketts Fund, Arts and Culture Fund and Suffolk Giving Fund through Suffolk Community Foundation.
Suffolk Community Foundation