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The Goalie Poet

Dean was a keen football player in his youth, despite his team once losing 36-0 in a match lasting one hour … that’s a goal in less than every two minutes.

Luckily, his second career choice as a poet has been much more successful.

Dean having a chat with some of the Britten Court Angels about the Archive All-Stars

Four people seated around a table, drinking mugs of tea and having a chat. On the table are blue and white rosettes and information cards

Whilst taking part in Extra Time, the children got to meet and work with a range of professional artists, from goalie-poet Dean and community artist/coach Caitlin to ‘referees’ Jen—an elemental earth dancer—and Carrie, an installation sculptor.

“I loved meeting Dean.” Quote: Oscar, RHFC

“I’ve learnt a lot, and had a great laugh, today. Quote: Jim, Britten Court Angels

Linesman Dean

By the end of the day, first the Britten Court Angels and then Roman Hill fielded a range of nicknames and personal footballing attributes—it only remained for Dean to position them all on the pitch.

Continue to 17th October 2023: You’re the Greatest

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