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Wild About Kirkley: New Children’s Reading Corner at The Pantry

Last week we were very excited to install our new bookshelf complete with brand new books to create a children’s reading area at The Pantry food bank in Kirkley.

The books and bookshelf were generously donated via Wild About Kirkley to The Pantry by Sally Connick from the Literacy Trust and Sheryl Rumble from Morrisons.

The books range from stories of biodiversity and ecology to adventure and magical tales.

Children can either read the books at The Pantry or take them home to keep, the literacy trust replenishes the stocks once they run low.

Thank you for all the work you have done to support our project Sally and Sheryl!

Image : Left Sally Connick (Literacy Trust) Centre : Kasia Don-Daniel (Suffolk Artlink) Right : Sheryl Rumble (Morrisons)